SHINING 3D’s AutoScan-DS-EX is an entry-level desktop dental scanner. Their website describes it as cost-effective and at $5,000 it is. For that price, you get structured white light, two cameras, a swing arm & turntable, a collection of mounting jigs, calibration plate (more on that later), a USB drive with software, a USB dongle for licensing, and a package of Blu Tack. You will need an Intel Core i7 processor, NVIDIA GTX 750 graphics card, and Windows 7 or later. Check out Metatooth’s setup!

I had two problems setting up. Each were quickly addressed by my supplier, Bayshore Dental Studio, and SHINING 3D Dental Support.
1. The software version on the thumb drive was not able to connect with the scanner. I was sent a Google Drive link to download version 2931. It would have been nice to get this information ahead of setup, but it was quickly resolved. The customer service rep used Team Viewer to review my machine, this happened over night for me, given their location.
2. Take off the protective plastic cover before trying to scan the calibration plate!

The case entry form will be familiar to exocad users. I haven’t had reason to scan more than impressions. Additional scans were needed to fill holes; the default scan paths did not give complete coverage. Hopeful for a way to change the scan paths or possibly issue arm/turntable and capture commands to the scan server itself.

Any other AutoScan-DS-EX users out there? What has your experience been? Tell me about it in the comments!