
Yankee Dental 2025

Artificial Intelligence

Many vendors were showing off Artificial Intelligence based products. Large language models (LLMs) and other Generative AI tools are being introduced to software that implement customer service and operational workflows. Machine Learning (ML) tools for diagnostic and clinical evaluation are also multiplying.

One interesting dynamic is the use of AI to negotiate insurance-realted processes. Newcomer promoted efficient insurance workflows for verfication, claims, and appeals. Sometimes the longest lead-time on software projects is for additions to the integration layer. The company promoted compatibility with Dentrix, Opendental, and eaglesoft.

Intraoral Photogrammetry

Shining 3D’s Aoralscan Elite combines the capabilities of a 2D and 3D scanner, allowing for a single device to capture photogrammetric devices and dentition.

Photogrammetry requires a single image of the entire dental arch to detect scan bodies. There is some evidence that photogrammetric techniques result in “passive fit” full arch restorations.

Dental dentition is captured using much smaller images that a “stitched” together in 3D.

Aoralscan Elite can capture either image type to support digital design of multi-implant restorations. Existing photogrammetry systems are standalone and require an additional intraoral scanner or conventional impression to capture dentition.

This observer saw more Shining 3D Intraoral Scanners on display than any other manufacturer throughout the exhibit floor.

Smart Mouthguard

Glidewell showed the ORB Sport™ Smart Mouthguard. A wearable! This device currently tracks twelve (12) metrics with the use of a subscription app.

A monitor in this form factor could make wearing during gameplay safer than a wristband.

The brochure and materials at the Glidewell’s booth was marketed towards clinicians, but they offer a direct-to-consumer option as well.

Chairside Restorations

There are two types of clinicians: those who prefer a dental lab to manufacture all products and those that want to do that work in-house or even “chairside”. Patients want same-day results!

The Midas Digital Restoration Press from SprintRay is a small-form factor 3D printer that employs a single-use cartridge for printing restorations. The cartridge enables ceramics and highly viscous resins with inorganic fillers to be used. These materials can provide improved durability and functional performance in the finished product. SprintRay claims 3 crowns, 6 inlays/onlays, or 9 veneers in 10 minutes.

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